This page provides some background information to help you understand what a implantologist is and whether is the right specialist for you.

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An implantologist is a qualified dentist who, after gaining the relevant training and experience, can perform dental implant surgery.

Implant dentistry is a relatively young specialty in the UK and involves the reconstruction of one or more missing teeth with a dental implant inserted in the jawbone.

A dentist who wishes to offer implant treatment has to complete postgraduate training and assessment, available from a variety of providers. It is important to notice that other professionals (such as maxillofacial surgeons and periodontists) can install dental implants, as long as they have received extensive training.

The treatment can last between six weeks and six months, depending on the complexity of each case.

The first stage of the process is the assessment and the formulation of a written treatment plan.

After taking X-rays, the implantologist can carry out the implant placement, which is usually performed under local anaesthesia.

The following stage is the integration period, during which the implants should fuse with the patient’s bone.

The restorative phase involves the fitting of definitive restorations with a variety of new teeth options.

The most common contraindications to implant therapy are:

  • major allergies;

  • young age;

  • patients with a medical condition requiring organ transplant;

  • autoimmune diseases such as AIDS or patients who immune system is weakened;

  • osteoporosis and other bone diseases;

  • cancer;

  • cardiovascular diseases;

  • smoking, drug-addiction and alcoholism;

  • pregnancy;

  • uncontrolled diabetes;

  • illness requiring blood thinners;

  • autoimmune disease;

  • untreated psychiatric problems;

  • insufficient alveolar bone density or volume;

  • lesions in the mouth.